Kasarani Kesha Daniel Fast 21 Days – Day 4

(Moto Kwenye Madhabahu Mfungo wa Siku 21 Mkesha wa Kasarani – Siku Ya Nne)

As Daniel did when he fasted for 21 days, you are encouraged to abstain from choice foods and to earnestly petition before God for the nation of Kenya and the purposes of God for the nations beyond that Kenya will touch. At the very least remove all refined and processed sugar foods and drinks from your diet and not only will you be blessed spiritually but your body will thank you for it.
The prayer point of the day is:

1 Corinthians 2:3 NIV

3 I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. 4 My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5 so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.

Paul here is emphasizing the point that as believers we cannot rely on empty and powerless words to shake the world and enforce the Kingdom of God. Jesus clearly commanded His disciples to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom healing the sick and casting out demons in His name. The Kingdom of God is not just quoting scripture but demonstrating it. It is the only language the enemy understands and surrenders to. Does the body of believers in Kenya demonstrate this truth, or has the church become a powerless place of eloquent words that come from pulpits? We must examine ourselves honestly, as signs and wonders were promised to ALL believers, not just a few.

Kenya will be a springboard of revival to the nations. The only way that will happen is if there is less talk and more demonstration of power which is driven by love.

Pray that the Lord would empower the body of believers in Kenya to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom with demonstrations of power, so that instead of men being given attention and glory, people will see these good works and give God the praise and depend on Him for their own deliverance and salvation.